MERRY WIDOW Merry Widow by Mike Lawless Merry Black Widow by Keith Graham The Merry Widow by Jeffrey P. McManus The Merry Widow by Bill Wright The Merry Widow by Lazarus White Velvet Dress by Phenokiie Dora's Box by William Doren The Rise and Fall of My Roommates, and its Applications to Western Society by Tuberider The Merry Widow by P.J. Wolf The Merry Widow by Zepp The Merry Gladiator by Colin Campbell |
Keith Graham MERRY BLACK WIDOW Oh, thine Merry widow was a street performer in San Francisco. I was in awe watching the lass perform her antics without so much as a flaw. When her show was finally over, I approached her and asked how it was that such a performer of perfection was so great in her art. This story is about what she told me. She began by saying, "." I was astounded! That was the most heartwarming story. By now you are wondering why there were no words expressing the street performer's life. There are no words because the Merry Widow was a Mime.