From "Blood Poems for the Death Penguin" by Zeylan

Fizm's Wawk          

Gurm, says I like a pirate;
Into the wind my voice trails
    and only the birds hear
    If they understand, they show no signs

I look out at the sea    the waves
fight, press, like wawk from the fizm's belly
that I did thought I see
But 'twas but not but was it?
Gurm galore, says I like a scholar;
    and only the birds saw it
    If they recognized, they keep silent

Long have I been captured above the earth
resting on the tears of the wawk
Too Long, says I like a Cleary

The gulls and the gurm
know each other
They fly over the fizm and see him
    He presses on like the waves
    The birds know if he is there

Where    if anywhere    wawk, gurm, fizm child
                              (by name called)
Show me thy scales
Make it be true
Be, says I.
And they birds fly on.

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