Swagazine Five

Wasteland: Tales of the Leveler, by Brian Rhinehart


The Chasm
Created using Strata StudioPro and compostited & painted in Adobe Photoshop, this piece signifies the artist's current feeling of placing himself in a position for which the outcome is still to be defined, yet the task before him seems insurmountable.


A scanned image from an old medical reference and altered in Adobe Photoshop, the Eclipse is an introspective glance into the vivisection of the artist's perception of the inner world that dictates his life.

Cage of Arms
An original ink sketch that was scanned in and then painted using Adobe's Photoshop, Cage of Arms is a graphic metaphor for the dichotomy of relationships. It is also the inspiration for Zeylan's poem of the same name, which appears in this issue alongside the original sketch.


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