I rented a cat one day when the persiflage wouldn't fly named
Enid, who, like all cats, stood on ceremony and insisted that I
call him The Fifteenth Earl of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow
and who told me, "I dated Di, you know," and then The Fifteenth
Earl of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow added that perhaps I
could work on that, since anything about Di would sell, what
with her not being quite alive anymore, and I was the image of
polite attention bordering on contempt while The Fifteenth Earl
of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow licked at his nether regions
and considered the possibility that any human who would rent him
doubtlessly did need his help and succor, not spelled sucker
because no good English cat like The Fifteenth Earl of
Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow would use such a word except of
course around lowly borne like me but I digress while he licks
and I nearly forgot to say that I write fiction but very poorly
and the idea was that cats, being wise, could help me to write
fiction that was still poor but much more likely to sell because
it had a cat in it although once I got him home I recognized
that The Fifteenth Earl of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow was
not an ordinary cat and was in fact a complete sodding bastard of a
cat who was to snobbery what Don Rickles was to insults and I
had just about made up my mind to take him back and demand a
refund when The Fifteenth Earl of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow
pulled a wallet out of his anal gland which is where cats keep
their wallets you big silly and showed me a picture and goddamn
if he wasn't sitting in Di's lap getting stroked by the then
living princess and about then I decided that I had better pay
attention because any writer who has got both a cat and princess
died to play with is gonna make a million bucks and all I really
needed in addition to all that was proof that Die was seeing
Elvis on the side and so I mentioned this to The Fifteenth Earl
of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow and he looked smug -- OK,
SMUGGER -- and pulled out another picture with Dead and Deader in
blue suede shoes together which would have been the happy happy
retirement dream photo for every mama and papa Ratzi outfit in
the uncivilized world, but then I realized that the reality of
such a photo was exactly the same as having a talking cat named
The Fifteenth Earl of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow, except of
course that I did, and this confused me for a moment, until I
thought to myself, wait a minute, I live on a volcano, so why
don't I just take the cat and throw him in the fucking volcano
and call him a sacrifice, using the cat since the only thing
virgin is the first page of my next novel, and volcanoes and
critics are both tough on such things, but then The Fifteenth
Earl of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow brought me to heel by
pointing out that he was in fact a talking cat, which caused me
to stop and say, oh yeah, and glance hopefully in the direction
of my typewriter, and here I am with pictures of deader and
deadest and a talking cat who isn't residing inside a volcano,
and I can't make a best-seller out of that, which leaves me
wondering if I shouldn't get out of the writing business
altogether and sell snow removal implements of injustice to the
folks upon whose head the snow, but not my prose, is falling,
and it is snow and not ashes from the volcano and the goddamn cat
is still talking, only now he's telling me to cease and desist
all thoughts of immolation of the feline line or he'll piss in
my typewriter and that will be that for that and after a couple
of minutes thought and watching the snow fall I decided I would
rather have an unlikely plot outline instead of a dead, scalded
cat named The Fifteenth Earl of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow,
who does not live in a volcano with dead celebrities or at least
they would be celebrities except that they are, as mentioned,
dead, and therefore not celebrities or even in my novel yet and
it's starting to snow -- ash, whatever -- really hard and The
Fifteenth Earl of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow is gazing out
at this with undisguised contempt, and the photos are still
there (I can see them, except I can't see what's on them) and The
Fifteenth Earl of Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow is telling me
that if I want to write the great western novel that will save
civilization I only have to be the great western novelist who
will save civilization and the rest is, as they say, in the anal
sack, and I shouldn't be talking to cats about pictures of Very
Dead and Stone Dead, and how anybody who would throw a live cat
into a volcano is a real ash hole, and then the white reaches
the top of the window and both The Fifteenth Earl of
Venenidsgate at Lochhamptonrow and the lights go out.